July 07, 2009

Time Constants Calculation

Capacitance and resistance
The time constant of a capacitance C and a resistance R is equal to CR, and represents the time to change the voltage on the capacitance from zero to E at a constant charging current E / R (which produces a rate of change of voltage E / CR across the capacitance).

Similarly, the time constant CR represents the time to change the charge on the capacitance from zero to CE at a constant charging current E / R (which produces a rate of change of voltage E / CR across the capacitance).

If a voltage E is applied to a series circuit comprising a discharged capacitance C and a resistance R, then after time t the current i, the voltage vR across the resistance, the voltage vC across the capacitance and the charge qC on the capacitance are:
i = (E / R)e - t / CR
vR = iR = Ee - t / CR
vC = E - vR = E(1 - e - t / CR)
qC = CvC = CE(1 - e - t / CR)

If a capacitance C charged to voltage V is discharged through a resistance R, then after time t the current i, the voltage vR across the resistance, the voltage vC across the capacitance and the charge qC on the capacitance are:
i = (V / R)e - t / CR
vR = iR = Ve - t / CR
vC = vR = Ve - t / CR
qC = CvC = CVe - t / CR

Inductance and resistance
The time constant of an inductance L and a resistance R is equal to L / R, and represents the time to change the current in the inductance from zero to E / R at a constant rate of change of current E / L (which produces an induced voltage E across the inductance).

If a voltage E is applied to a series circuit comprising an inductance L and a resistance R, then after time t the current i, the voltage vR across the resistance, the voltage vL across the inductance and the magnetic linkage yL in the inductance are:
i = (E / R)(1 - e - tR / L)
vR = iR = E(1 - e - tR / L)
vL = E - vR = Ee - tR / L
yL = Li = (LE / R)(1 - e - tR / L)

If an inductance L carrying a current I is discharged through a resistance R, then after time t the current i, the voltage vR across the resistance, the voltage vL across the inductance and the magnetic linkage yL in the inductance are:
i = Ie - tR / L
vR = iR = IRe - tR / L
vL = vR = IRe - tR / L
yL = Li = LIe - tR / L

Rise Time and Fall Time
The rise time (or fall time) of a change is defined as the transition time between the 10% and 90% levels of the total change, so for an exponential rise (or fall) of time constant T, the rise time (or fall time) t10-90 is:
t10-90 = (ln0.9 - ln0.1)T » 2.2T

The half time of a change is defined as the transition time between the initial and 50% levels of the total change, so for an exponential change of time constant T, the half time t50 is :
t50 = (ln1.0 - ln0.5)T » 0.69T

Note that for an exponential change of time constant T:
- over time interval T, a rise changes by a factor 1 - e -1 (» 0.63) of the remaining change,
- over time interval T, a fall changes by a factor e -1 (» 0.37) of the remaining change,
- after time interval 3T, less than 5% of the total change remains,
- after time interval 5T, less than 1% of the total change remains.


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Electronics is the study and use of electrical that operate by controlling the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles in devices such as thermionic valves. and semiconductors. The pure study of such devices is considered as a branch of physics, while the design and construction electronic circuits to solve practical problems is called electronic engineering.

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