July 25, 2009

Geomagnetic field detector

Geomagnetic Field DetectorThis basic oscillator will detect the Earth magnetic field. The ferrite rod and coil are taken from an old Medium Wave receiver and a small magnet is glued at one end. Tune to a medium wave commercial station until you hear a beat note. Any movement of the ferrite rod will produce an audible note that depends on the prevailing Earth magnetic field. Screening is essential. Use a plastic box padded, on the inside, with copper...

555 Timer Theory & Design

555 Timer Theory & DesignThe 555/556 timer is one of the most versatile and popular chips made. It is very inexpensive and easy to use. There are two basic modes of operation. 1: Monostable Mode and 2: Astable Mode. In the monostable mode the 555 acts as a "one - shot". It would be used for the purpose of obtaining a one pulse of variable length. In the astable mode the 555 will re-trigger itself to output a stream of pulses of variable length....

Simplest Wireless Headphone

Simplest Wireless HeadphoneA basic Infra Red Link for audio communication for distances up to 10 feet.WorkingThe transmitter comprises a single amplifying stage driving two series connected IR LEDS. The input source is connected to J1. Please note that the device will pass a small DC current through it and also directly bias the transistor. A suitable device is therefore a high output crystal microphone. These can produce high output voltages up...

Brightness Changing Christmas Star

Brightness Changing Christmas StarThis circuit can be used to construct an attractive Christmas Star. When we switch on this circuit, the brightness of lamp L1 gradually increases. When it reaches the maximum brightness level, the brightness starts decreasing gradually. And when it reaches the minimum brightness level, it again increases automatically. This cycle repeats.WorkingThe increase and decrease of brightness of bulb L1 depends on the charging...

Quick Draw

Quick DrawA GAME for you Guys..............The object of Quick Draw is to test your reaction time against your opponent's. A third person acts as a referee and begins the duel by pressing S1, which lights LED1. Upon seeing LED1 go on, you try to outdraw your opponent by moving S2 from "Holster" position to "Draw" position before your opponent moves S3 from "Holster" to "Draw" position. Who ever gets there first will light the corresponding LED and...

July 24, 2009

FM Jammer

FM JammerThis device can be very illegal if you attach an external antenna so don't. adjust frequency by turning trimmer. and jams the fm signals within a circumference of 50m.Circuit DiagramNOTE : 1.1nH is an alternative for the induct...

July 23, 2009


APPLIANCE TIMER-CUM-CLAP SWITCHWhen planning for a weekend outing to return late in the evening, we are often in an ambivalence whether to leave the staircase/outside light ‘on’ or ‘off.’ We sometimes miss our favourite TV programme because we forget to switch on the TV in time. If we are in the habit of taking an afternoon nap, we either turn on the mosquito repellent earlier than required or get up being bitten by mosquitoes. The timer-cum-clap...

July 21, 2009

EFY March 2009

Electronics For You March 2009Size : 49.6 MBClick the download button to startPassword : electronicsevery...



Free PCB

Free PCBFree PCB is a free, open-source PCB editor for Microsoft Windows, released under the GNU General Public License. It was designed to be easy to learn and easy to use, yet capable of professional-quality work. It does not have a built-in auto router, but it can use the Free Route web-based auto router at www.freerouting.net. Some of its features are: 1 to 16 copper layersBoard size up to 60 inches by 60 inchesUses English or metric units (i.e....

Misc Electronics

Misc ElectronicsFunctions System Preferred componentsSelect component values used in all designs and step size for ctr-n and ctr-m Hot keysDefine hot keys for opening pages Miscellaneous GeometryHandles: Circles, part of circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoid SoundSound speed and perceived sound levels Weather and air%RH, dew point, air pressure and other weather related calculations Periodic tableA periodic table...

July 20, 2009

Elektor March 2004

Elektor March 2004Size : 20.6 MBClick the download button to startPassword : electronicsevery...

Elektor February 2004

Elektor February 2004Size : 40.4 MBClick the download button to startPassword : electronicsevery...

Elektor January 2004

Elektor January 2004Size : 44.0 MBClick the download button to startPassword : electronicsevery...

EFY Project Ideas

Project Ideas CollectionProject Ideas 2000Project Ideas 2...

July 19, 2009

EFY Project Ideas 2001

EFY Project Ideas 2001This has a complete collection of the project ideas in the Electronics For You magazine in the year 2001.Size : 13.0 MBClick the download button to startPassword : electronicsevery...

EFY Project Ideas 2000

EFY Project Ideas 2000This has a complete collection of the project ideas in the Electronics For You magazine in the year 2000.Size : 12.3 MBClick the download button to startPassword : electronicsevery...


Electronics is the study and use of electrical that operate by controlling the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles in devices such as thermionic valves. and semiconductors. The pure study of such devices is considered as a branch of physics, while the design and construction electronic circuits to solve practical problems is called electronic engineering.

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