Misc Electronics
- System
Preferred components Select component values used in all designs and step size for ctr-n and ctr-m Hot keys Define hot keys for opening pages - Miscellaneous
Geometry Handles: Circles, part of circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoid Sound Sound speed and perceived sound levels Weather and air %RH, dew point, air pressure and other weather related calculations Periodic table A periodic table with all elements, it has search functions and a few data for each element Photo lens Some lens calculations Photo light Some light calculations - Calculations
Calculator Can do all the usual stuff, including mathematics. Tiny Calc Can do the same as the entry line in Calculator, but is very small when pulled out. Curve fit Fits a curve to a collection of data points Ohms law Ohms law, impedance of capacitor and inductors, complex power Ohms law 3 phase Ohms law with complex power for 3 phase systems dB Decibel and neper, both power and voltage including volt/watt for a reference level Charge curve Capacitor/inductor charge/discharge with resistive, current and power loads (not all combinations supported) Waveforms Calculates RMS, mean, PEEK, DC, FFT for different waveforms. - Mechanical
Wires Calculates resistance and power loss in wires, can also do conversion between USA and European units. Cable calculations Calculate frequence response of a cable Fan cooling Calculates how big a fan to get rid of some power. Heat sink Calculates junction temperature for specified power level and heat sink Printed circuit board Calculate micro strip, strip line, track resistance and current Cable calculations Simulate cables at low (audio) frequences - Components
Capacitor design Calculate capacitance of different geometries Color codes Convert between color codes and numeric values for many types of components. Thermosensors Calculates for PT100, NTC and all types of thermocouples Air coil Analyze or design an air core inductor Leds Color/wavelength of leds and design of circuits to drive leds from DC or AC. Components type numbers Tries to decode component codes Power MOS Turn on/off time and power loss estimation - MPU
MPU Timers Calculates divide factors for up to five software timers Integer math Converts real numbers to fractions, calculates primes and other integer stuff Serial communication Timing and curves, use full when programming software uart's and IR rx/tx. CRC and check sum Calculate crc, check sum and modulus for data blocks, can also analyze a data block for what check sum/crc was used - Simple Circuit
Fo Calculates Fo for RC, RL, RLC circuits Series/parallel Calculate/design series/parallel connection of resistors, capacitors and inductors Charge time Charge/discharge time for simple circuits (including 555). Voltage divider Design/analyze voltage dividers, can include component tolerance and load. Two port Conversion between different types of two ports. - Circuit
1. order filters Analyze and design 32 different filter configurations Attenuator network Design different kind of attenuators Power Supply Analyze and design power supplies with 78xx and LM317 style regulators
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