The rf transmitter a gadget that disseminates radio waves with the help of an antenna. A rf transmitter consists of an oscillator that changes electrical power in to a reasonable frequency. There is also an amplifier for audio frequency (AF) and radio frequency (RF). A modulator regulates the signal information on to the transmitter for dispersion. The rf transmitter has an important component that makes its working possible; this is the antenna that transmits an electromagnetic signal for many types of communication. rf transmitter works together with rf receivers. There must be rf receivers on the other end for transmitters to play their role. Communication by use of these systems is possible for radios, cell phones, televisions, walkie –talkies and other electronics used for the purpose of broadcasting. It is possible to find both rf receivers and transmitters in one device. A good example of such technology is used in mobile phones where one can receive and call using one gadget. Currently communication does not rely on analogue mode but uses digital technology thus eliminating the need for complex wiring system to do the connections that carry information.
RF transmitter module:-
RF receiver module:-
Block Diagram:-
Rf transmitter enables you to make use of your television, radio, phone and other communication hand held devices. Rf receivers are installed in these devices in factory to make them respond to any signal send. A rf transmitter may interfere with other communication services. This means that you should take precaution by seeking from the relevant authorities about the mode of frequency to use when installing your communication system. Rf receivers are capable of receiving broadcast information from a rf transmitter in different patterns like a single beam or broadcast system. You cannot however tell the difference when you are listening from your radio or watching TV. Rf receivers function hand by hand with transmitters so none can be on its own. Communication is hence a two-way traffic and some communication models are accommodating the receiving and transmitting factors in one equipment. These functions perform well by the energy from electricity or solar. The major important thing in a communication system is to send and receive feedback. Modern times have included the aspect of time in the instruments of passing information no matter how far you are located. This would however be impossible if it was not for transmitters and receivers.
The rf transmitter a gadget that disseminates radio waves with the help of an antenna. A rf transmitter consists of an oscillator that changes electrical power in to a reasonable frequency. There is also an amplifier for audio frequency (AF) and radio frequency (RF). A modulator regulates the signal information on to the transmitter for dispersion. The rf transmitter has an important component that makes its working possible; this is the antenna that transmits an electromagnetic signal for many types of communication. rf transmitter works together with rf receivers. There must be rf receivers on the other end for transmitters to play their role. Communication by use of these systems is possible for radios, cell phones, televisions, walkie –talkies and other electronics used for the purpose of broadcasting. It is possible to find both rf receivers and transmitters in one device. A good example of such technology is used in mobile phones where one can receive and call using one gadget. Currently communication does not rely on analogue mode but uses digital technology thus eliminating the need for complex wiring system to do the connections that carry information.
For an example: We will be using ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) based Tx/Rx(transmitter/receiver) pair operating at 433 MHz. The transmitter module accepts serial data at a maximum of XX baud rate. It can be directly interfaced with a microcontroller or can be used in remote control applications with the help of encoder/decoder ICs.
RF transmitter module:-
RF Receiver module
The encoder IC takes in parallel data which is to be transmitted, packages it into serial format and then transmits it with the help of the RF transmitter module. At the receiver end the decoder IC receives the signal via the RF receiver module, decodes the serial data and reproduces the original data in the parallel format.In order to control say a dc motor, we require 2 bits of information (switching it on/off) while we need 4 bits of information to control 2 motors. HT12E and HT12D are 4 channel encoder/decoder ICs directly compatible with the specified RF module.In order to drive motors, we would need to connect a suitable motor driver at the output of the decoder IC. The motor driver circuit can consist of a relay, transistorized H-Bridge or motor driver ICs like the L293D, L298 etc.
Block Diagram:-
Rf transmitter enables you to make use of your television, radio, phone and other communication hand held devices. Rf receivers are installed in these devices in factory to make them respond to any signal send. A rf transmitter may interfere with other communication services. This means that you should take precaution by seeking from the relevant authorities about the mode of frequency to use when installing your communication system. Rf receivers are capable of receiving broadcast information from a rf transmitter in different patterns like a single beam or broadcast system. You cannot however tell the difference when you are listening from your radio or watching TV. Rf receivers function hand by hand with transmitters so none can be on its own. Communication is hence a two-way traffic and some communication models are accommodating the receiving and transmitting factors in one equipment. These functions perform well by the energy from electricity or solar. The major important thing in a communication system is to send and receive feedback. Modern times have included the aspect of time in the instruments of passing information no matter how far you are located. This would however be impossible if it was not for transmitters and receivers.