NPN transistors Code Structure Case
(typical use)Possible
substitutesBC107 NPN TO18 100mA 45V 110 300mW Audio, low power BC182 BC547 BC108 NPN TO18 100mA 20V 110 300mW General purpose, low power BC108C BC183 BC548 BC108C NPN TO18 100mA 20V 420 600mW General purpose, low power BC109 NPN TO18 200mA 20V 200 300mW Audio (low noise), low power BC184 BC549 BC182 NPN TO92C 100mA 50V 100 350mW General purpose, low power BC107 BC182L BC182L NPN TO92A 100mA 50V 100 350mW General purpose, low power BC107 BC182 BC547B NPN TO92C 100mA 45V 200 500mW Audio, low power BC107B BC548B NPN TO92C 100mA 30V 220 500mW General purpose, low power BC108B BC549B NPN TO92C 100mA 30V 240 625mW Audio (low noise), low power BC109 2N3053 NPN TO39 700mA 40V 50 500mW General purpose, low power BFY51 BFY51 NPN TO39 1A 30V 40 800mW General purpose, medium power BC639 BC639 NPN TO92A 1A 80V 40 800mW General purpose, medium power BFY51 TIP29A NPN TO220 1A 60V 40 30W General purpose, high power TIP31A NPN TO220 3A 60V 10 40W General purpose, high power TIP31C TIP41A TIP31C NPN TO220 3A 100V 10 40W General purpose, high power TIP31A TIP41A TIP41A NPN TO220 6A 60V 15 65W General purpose, high power 2N3055 NPN TO3 15A 60V 20 117W General purpose, high power Please note: the data in this table was compiled from several sources which are not entirely consistent! Most of the discrepancies are minor, but please consult information from your supplier if you require precise data. PNP transistors Code Structure Case
(typical use)Possible
substitutesBC177 PNP TO18 100mA 45V 125 300mW Audio, low power BC477 BC178 PNP TO18 200mA 25V 120 600mW General purpose, low power BC478 BC179 PNP TO18 200mA 20V 180 600mW Audio (low noise), low power BC477 PNP TO18 150mA 80V 125 360mW Audio, low power BC177 BC478 PNP TO18 150mA 40V 125 360mW General purpose, low power BC178 TIP32A PNP TO220 3A 60V 25 40W General purpose, high power TIP32C TIP32C PNP TO220 3A 100V 10 40W General purpose, high power TIP32A Please note: the data in this table was compiled from several sources which are not entirely consistent! Most of the discrepancies are minor, but please consult information from your supplier if you require precise data.
September 20, 2009
Transistor codes..
Electronics is the study and use of electrical that operate by controlling the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles in devices such as thermionic valves. and semiconductors. The pure study of such devices is considered as a branch of physics, while the design and construction electronic circuits to solve practical problems is called electronic engineering.
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