July 03, 2013

50 Watts Inverter Circuit

A 50 watt inverter might look quite trivial, but it can serve some useful purposes to you. When outdoors, this small power house can be used for operating small electronic gadgets, soldering iron, table top radios, incandescent lights, fans etc. Let’s learn how to build this homemade 50 watt inverter unit, beginning with a brief description regarding the circuit diagram and its functioning: Circuit Description The circuit may be...

November 25, 2011

Working of Camera

The work of a camera – photography is considered to be one of the greatest inventions of mankind. It has not only helped us see the entire world through a click, but has also transformed how people conceive the world. They can also be kept as a remembrance for the rest of our life. Camera can be defined as a device that is used to capture and record photos or videos. After years of work by many prominent people the first colour...

Metal Detector

It's a simple metal detector design that has the quite good characteristics. the principle of operation which one differs from the classic schemes (BFO, transmit-receive known as "two-boxes" metal detector, inductive). The dynamic mode is used to find targets in interference environment. There is known from theory of signal filtration that if signal shape is determined we can construct optimal filter - the best one for extracting the signal...

Mobile phone call indicator

Purpose This circuit can be used to escape from the nuisance of mobile phone rings when you are at home. This circuit will give a visual indication if placed near a mobile phone even if the ringer is deactivated. This circuit was designed to detect when a call is incoming in a cellular phone (even when the calling tone of the device is switched-off) by means of a flashing LED. The device must be placed a few centimeters from the cellular phone,...

November 19, 2011


SOLAR CELLS, How They Work   The solar cell offers a limitless and environmentally friendly source of electricity. The solar cell, is able to create electricity directly from photons. A photon can be thought of as a packet of light and the amount of energy in a photon is proportional to the wavelength of light.   Solar Cell Structure:     A. Encapsulate - The encapsulate, made of glass or other...

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Electronics is the study and use of electrical that operate by controlling the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles in devices such as thermionic valves. and semiconductors. The pure study of such devices is considered as a branch of physics, while the design and construction electronic circuits to solve practical problems is called electronic engineering.

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